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Ways to avoid losing followers when using Twitter
Using Twitter as a singer effectively can help you to avoid losing followers and fan base on Twitter. It also keeps people interested in who you are as an act. Below are some tips to keep in mind when using Twitter as a singer.
Using Twitter as a singer
Don’t try to sell constantly
Our first tip when using Twitter is to not sell constantly. As a singer it’s obvious that you want to sell your EP or your demos but trying to sell them through when using Twitter so often it’s all your followers see from you has a negative impact. No one wants to see someone constantly trying to sell them something. Of course, you should be using Twitter to sell, but not to the point where it becomes irritating.
Don’t be too formal
It’s your Twitter account, it has to reflect you. So be real with your followers, don’t be too formal, your followers didn’t follow you because they wanted to see the business person side of you. If you find something funny or you have a funny picture, post it. Followers are more likely to interact with more informal posts as you become more approachable. It’s important to remember that when you’re using Twitter you’re not only a singer, you’re a person as well.
Don’t retweet too often
As a singer, you understand other singers who want to make it big like you, and as a show of support, you can retweet the link to their EP for example. However, if you retweet too often you run the risk of people forgetting who you are and why they follow you. The main reason you started using Twitter as a singer was to promote you, so don’t promote everyone else instead. When using Twitter, don’t forget the reason you got this form of social media to start with.
Don’t tweet all the time
Another tip when using Twitter is to not tweet too often. You know what it’s like when you’ve got that one person you follow that tweets every 5 minutes about things no one’s too bothered about. You’ve got to avoid being that person. It’s irritating as a follower to see someone post constantly as they lose interest after the first few and you’re clogging up their news feed. To maintain your following, tweet regularly but not to the expense of your fans, don’t use Twitter for the sake of using Twitter. Make your content relevant.
Don’t overuse hashtags
One of Twitter’s unique selling points was their hashtag (#) idea. It’s a good way to keep track of trends and to promote things online. However using hashtags in every tweet, more than once, is something that annoys many people on Twitter. The idea of a hashtag is to pinpoint one specific area, using more than one doesn’t give a clear example of what you’re aiming for. Hashtags are a great tool when using Twitter as they help you stay relevant and connect with other people using Twitter for the same purpose.