
Email Etiquette Rules for Singers

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Email etiquette rules for singers

E-mail is an important tool in the music industry; it allows communication to be made between acts and industry professionals instantly. Applying these basic e-mail etiquette rules to your e-mails will increase your chances of a response.

The basics

Create your own signature

A signature is a way you sign off at the end of every e-mail when using e-mail etiquette rules for singers, it’s often a name followed by a company name. For a singer, however, the signature needs to have more detail and a promotional aspect to it. As this is seen at the end of every e-mail it’s important to make sure it’s perfect.  These things should be included in your signature:

  • Individual’s name
  • Act name (if different)
  • Contact details, including e-mail
  • Mobile number
  • Social media links
  • Website link
  • E-mail subjects

One of the best e-mail etiquette rules for singers is to remember to make the e-mail subject relevant. When you’re e-mailing someone, of course, you want them to open it and read it, but putting the subject as ‘READ ME’ isn’t going to make it more appealing. The idea of the subject is to give the receiver a clue about what it’s about. Keep it straight to the point and mature.

Spelling and grammar

Spelling and grammar are one of our most important e-mail etiquette rules for singers as it highlights professionalism. Spelling and grammar are one of the most important things to remember when using e-mail etiquette rules for singers. You don’t want the person you’re e-mailing to get the wrong impression; you want them to consider you as a business person. Make sure you spell check everything before you press ‘Send’. It’s almost like a CV, you wouldn’t want an employer to lose interest because you’d made an error in your CV, so don’t make errors in your e-mails. Avoid overusing caps lock, it’s only for shouting, no one wants to be shouted at.

Email etiquette rules

Cc and Bcc

Most people that use e-mail are aware of CC and BCC but don’t understand the difference between them. CC means carbon copy and BCC means blind carbon copy. CC is for when you’re e-mailing someone but you both need to someone else to know so you CC them. However, BCC is a bit sneaky, if you’re sending the e-mail you can BCC someone and the person you’re e-mailing won’t be able to see you’ve e-mailed someone else as well.

However, best practice is to personalise emails and address the person with their name on an individual basis. This is one of our favourite e-mail etiquette rules for singers as it can be a good time saver!


This e-mail etiquette rule for singers is something that needs consideration before every e-mail is sent. Obviously, you want the music industry people you’re e-mailing to listen to your music, but if you just attach it and force it up to them they’re not likely to bother. The worst thing you can do is send a large attachment which takes an age to load or worse still freezes a computer! That could be game over before they have even listened. So the best bet is to hyperlink your best or latest song on a format people are comfortable with like YouTube.

Also, try to avoid embedding images which again may affect it being received and end up in a junk box rather than safely into someone’s inbox.

Email length

Another one of our e-mail etiquette rules for singers is to keep e-mails short and precise. Best practise is to always to keep to two short paragraphs that the receiver can scan read make it too long and/or a life story and they will not read your email straight away and leave it till later…and later may never come.

Keep to these simple e-mail etiquette rules for singers to give yourself a better chance for people to take the time to read your email…Good luck!